Monday, April 11, 2011

The speciation genes

Today, Amanda will present an opinion paper discussing about the need for the definition of the speciation genes, i.e. genes involve in reproductive isolation prior to the actual speciation event. They propose a definition for these genes based on several assumptions. Then they present some examples of such genes. Thanks Amanda.

From Nosil P & Schluter D, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, April 2011, Vol. 26, No. 4: 160-167

Title: The genes underlying the process of speciation

The long-standing goal of finding genes causing reproductive isolation is being achieved. To better link the genetics with the process of speciation, we propose that ‘speciation gene’ be defined as any gene contributing to the evolution of reproductive isolation. Characterizing a speciation gene involves establishing that the gene affects a component of reproductive isolation; demonstrating that divergence at the locus occurred before completion of speciation; and quantifying the effect size of the gene (i.e. the increase in total reproductive isolation caused by its divergence). Review of a sample of candidate speciation genes found that few meet these criteria. Improved characterization of speciation genes will clarify how numerous they are, their properties and how they affect genome-wide patterns of divergence.

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